There are over 800 very active members of the Greenville Spinners in Greenville, SC. The calendar is always full with rides and events in the area. It’s a friendly group that accommodates all riding levels.
Their previous website was outdated and not responsive. It was difficult to find or follow news and events. They depended on a Yahoo group to talk with each other about upcoming rides. Plus it cost them hundreds of dollars a month to maintain.
The new site is in WordPress, the calendar has a built in map on each event, so members can find the event and get directions from wherever they are. The Greenville Spinners can now sell tickets on the site for certain events, have the ability to collect funds for rides before the event, and print out attendee lists, making the day of the events easier to handle. Reports on the backend show, member signups, views, and sales and revenue.
See the site here –